About St Helena's Church
St Helena’s Church is an English-speaking Anglican church in Larnaka, attracting a regular congregation of about 50-60.
The morning service is at 10.00am which is normally Holy Communion. All baptised Christians who usually receive Communion in their own churches are welcome to receive with us too. Others, including children, are invited to come forward for a blessing.
For details of any special services at St Helena’s, see the home page.
Contact us if you are interested in knowing more about St Helena’s, or if you have any questions about our church.
St Helena’s follows the Anglican Marks of Mission:
- To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom;
- To teach, baptise and nurture new believers;
- To respond to human need by loving service;
- To transform unjust structures of society,
to challenge violence of every kind
and pursue peace and reconciliation; - To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation,
and sustain and renew the life of the earth.
The Team
Rev M G Graham
Geoff is Associate Priest at St Helena’s
Geoff served as a logistician in the British Army for 38 years until June 2010. On retirement from the Army, he and his wife, Deborah, moved permanently to their house in Cyprus. In Summer 2011, Geoff felt the call to ministry He was then made a Lay Reader, followed a year later by ordination to the Diaconate and then ordination as a Priest in June 2016. Geoff has served all of his ordained tenure thus far at St Helena’s, where he is currently one of two Associate Priests.
Since arriving permanently in Cyprus, Deborah has also become heavily involved in the life of the parish where, amongst other essential functions, she acts as Parish Secretary.

Fr Ken Gabbadon
“I thought I recognised you. I’ve seen you on the holiday TV programme, ‘A place in the Sun’.”
Retirement is a word that I am slowly coming to terms with. After over 40 years of Priestly and Prison Ministry it was time to lay down the mantle of active full-time work for a more sedate life, or so I thought.
A retiring Priest leaving his parish can be heart-breaking as over the years, in my case thirteen years, one’s life is embedded in the fabric of the parish.
I was blessed that the TV show offered to help me find a place in Cyprus in November 2021. I am now settled and enjoying living in my lovely apartment. I am actively involved as Associate Priest in St Helena’s Anglican Church and with the Kiti Bowls Club.
Over the years a Charles Wesley hymn, ‘O thou who camest from above’, often sung in the Parish and in the prisons, continues to be a blessing to me with verse three being my mantra.
Jesus, confirm my heart’s desire
To work, and speak,
and think for thee;
Still let me guard the holy fire,
And still stir up thy gift in me.
As I continue to settle into my retirement in sunny Cyprus, my prayer is that my life will continue to be the hand of God extended to all, that the aroma of God’s presence will restore, revive and refresh and that Christ’s love will be seen and experienced.