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Contact us if you are interested in knowing more about St Helena’s, or if you have any questions about our church.
- Jubilee Celebration Tea 21 June 2022
St Helena’s hosted a Jubilee ‘bring and share’ high tea on Monday 13th June, to celebrate the 70th Jubilee anniversary of the reign of the UK’s Queen Elizabeth II.
- Support for Ukrainians 30 April 2022
A social event to support Ukrainian refugees was organised by the Ukrainian community of Larnaca and St Helena’s church. It took place on Friday 22 April.
During the event clothes and non-perishable food were distributed among approximately 25 families who visited our church.
Everyone was treated to delicious homemade lemonade, refreshments, cakes and cookies.
- Licensing George Vidiakin 17 October 2021
Next - Bishop Michael at St Helena’s 19 July 2021
This morning’s the service was led by Bishop Michael.
You can listen to his sermon on YouTube:
- Coming out of lockdown 7 May 2021
On Monday 10 May we come out of lockdown. The usual requirements to use handgel entering and leaving the church, wearing a face mask covering nose and mouth, and observing physical distancing, will continue to apply for services at St Helena’s.
Additionally, in order to come to church, each person will need to have with them a Coronapass. This will be available soon as an app on a mobile phone, but until that is ready each person must carry proof of one of:
A negative PCR or rapid test, taken within the last 72 hours
Vaccination of at least one dose received at least 3 weeks ago
Having contracted coronavirus in the past 6 months.The responsibility for this lies with each person. We do not have to check this as you arrive. If the church is subject to a surprise police check, anyone without the one of the 3 proofs listed above will be responsible for any fine imposed.