Lenten message from Bishop Sean
Bishop Sean has issued a Lenten message which can be read here.
Charity Shop
The St Helena’s charity shop regular opening hours are 9.00am – 12.30am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Book Sale
The next book sale will be on Wednesday March 26th in the St Helena’s courtyard, from 10.00am until 12 noon.
Prayer Guide
You can find the current Diocesan prayer guide here.
A Listening Ear
If you are a Cyprus resident and would like an opportunity to share where you are; how you are in this season, a trained Spiritual Director is available to listen confidentially. Information here.
Safeguarding Mission Statement
St Helena’s Anglican Church makes full commitment to the ongoing welfare and safekeeping of vulnerable children and adults attending this Church at all times.
We undertake the responsibility of all within our Church to protect them as far as is practically possible from abuse of any kind. We will ensure that all proper procedures and guidelines are followed, and that the appropriate person will be assigned to conduct any required investigations. A mentoring system will be in place.
As part of policy and good practice, the following people have been trained to the appropriate level and have been appointed as shown:
Protection Officer (PO): Mrs Marina Peters
Deputy Protection Officer (DPO): Fr Geoff Graham
Katafiyio Retreat House
Latest information about the retreat house at Katafiyio can be found here.
We look forward to welcoming you to St. Helena’s