Carol Service 2020

Following St Helena’s tradition we held a Carol Service – but with only Christopher and Anne present, but streamed live.

Christopher and Anne at the St Helena's Carol Service in Larnaca

All the readers were recorded and played in. We had some technical hitches at the start when the software but received thanks from as far away as Wales for the service!

Charity Shop news

The Larnaca charity shop will close after Monday 21st December and reopen on 11th January, 2021.
The Pervolia shop  will close after Christmas Eve and reopen on 2nd January, 2021.
They thank you for your support during a difficult year and look forward to welcoming you, and your donations, in 2021!
December 16th 2020

New Restrictions

New restrictions came into operation today, which mean that congregations are unable to attend worship in church buildings.

All our Sunday services from St Helena’s are streamed, so we will continue with that as the clergy are permitted to be in the church to lead worship.

We hope to be able to design the Christmas Carol Service on Sunday 20 December at 6.00pm so that a number of voices take part.

As we will not be able to meet face to face at church, please do keep in touch with us and with each other by phone and email, and make a daily time to pray for each other.

11th December 2020